Tales of Marketing Transformation

What’s Your Dream Client’s Need? – Tales of Marketing Transformation # 014

todayJune 23, 2020 3

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    What's Your Dream Client's Need? - Tales of Marketing Transformation # 014 #HeliumRadio

Do you truly understand your dream customer’s problem, pain or need? I hope you enjoyed and gained value from my last episode, where I enlisted Russell Brunson’s help to further explore the topic of really understanding your dream customer, being obsessively committed to their success, entering the conversations they are already having in their own mind and truly understanding the core pains that they are trying to move away from and the core passions that they are trying to move towards.
In this episode, I want to explore the topic of your dream clients needs further.
Do you truly understand your dream customer’s problem, pain or need? Can you articulate that in a way that perhaps even your dream customer can’t, but when they hear it, they’ll jump up and shout “Yes, that’s exactly what I need? It’s like you were reading my mind!”
Listen to the podcast to learn more.

Tales of Marketing Transformation

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