Cosmic Angel 555

Zeta Reticuli Unconditional Love

todayJuly 26, 2020 5

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    Zeta Reticuli Unconditional Love #HeliumRadio

Hello there, nice to connect with you again through this channel. She has wondered why we are connecting a lot at this time.

It is because right now our channel, like many others holing the higher dimensional frequencies are upgrading there emotional & Metal bodies specifically at this time, as you are shifting into a higher vibration of being so does the earth and all of the old paradigms that are carried out there.

You can see this shifting now and with great change comes great resilience on both sides. We also what to convey the importance of duailty and the journey back to oneness.

So while many of you are embracing the old paradigms that are outdated, many are not, many are repressing the shadows of themselves and thus the shadows of society & control paradigms. We convey the importance of duailty. But duailty in balance.
We ask you to go within and seek your highest trajectory and truth of your highest timeline.

The duailty is out of balance, many are missing the hidden key of interwoven interconnection that lies within all of creation, and as creators this also lies in you.

We are the zeta reticuli
Please feel our message that holds lightcodes of unconditional love of the highest vibration

Cosmic Angel 555

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