
The Clear Benefits of Podcasting

todayFebruary 15, 2017


Currently, podcasting is growing as one of the most prolific and most precise forms of communication. Even better, it’s found in the palm of your hand! Smartphones have changed everything. It’s no longer about texting, surfing the web, and calling people. It’s bigger since it is one of the premier ways to listen to podcasts. Podcasting is so huge that significant corporations have their shows to market and distribute information about their brand.

From big companies to small-time comedians to individuals, podcasting is here to stay. If you’re on the fence or are unsure about this medium, don’t be. There are many clear benefits to podcasting, and with over a million podcasters communicating to the masses, you can quickly join them and find an audience.

Personalizing Information

First and foremost, you’re an expert on at least one topic, but it’s going to waste. You may not have a lot of friends who are deeply into what you’re into, yet there are many people like you. When you start a podcast, you can bring your expertise and personalize it to make new friends. An audience is waiting to hear you speak about what you love, which is rare. If you could get on the radio, you would be limited with your personalization.

You’d be at the mercy of the programming director and the whims of the station. That will limit your creativity and voice, even though it may seem like an excellent opportunity to market yourself. By circumventing the airwaves traditionally, you can control everything and be as creative as you’d like.

Podcasts Are Easy To Find

One of the benefits of this revolution is that you’re able to find programs faster and easier. No matter what topic you’d like to explore, there are others discussing it. Perhaps there’s an audience looking for that topic and waiting for you to share your ideas. When you are listed within the largest of podcasting directories, you will be found with relative ease. No matter how obscure you may think your topic is, you’ll find someone out there who is willing to listen, subscribe, and even donate money to your cause.

Podcasts Save Money Over Other Forms of Communication

How much does it cost to get on the radio? Furthermore, how much would it cost to have a magazine? Think of all the traditional forms of building an audience and communicating information to them. From television to radio, you’ll find that there are high costs in the production and distribution of these things. Now, in regards to podcasters and the work that they do, the cost is relatively small. You could start with some hosting providers for free, and as your audience grows, you could gain donations, subscription fees, and more.

It’s Possible To Make Money Over Time

Some people use this medium to give away a show and advertise to others. You can listen to the bigger shows for free. If you do, you’ll notice they plug specialty items, websites, and more—some charge several thousand dollars to be on their show as a plugged sponsor. But, some people are paid to the podcast daily, and from their show, they graduate to YouTube, television, and more. If your goal is to make money with communication, this could be an option to pursue. However, it’s not so easy. Monetization of media is challenging, but it’s not impossible. Once you build a large audience, you’ll have a built-in option to earn money, depending on the size of your listener-ship.

Podcasts Can Market Businesses

One of the clever ways to market your business is through education. When you own a small business and put on a show that discusses your industry, you become an authority. The authority that you create through this communication creates conversation. That conversation leads to conversions and sales. No matter how you formulate a show, you’ll find that people are willing to support those they like. Keeping your show could become a platform to sell your merchandise and educate people about your work. People are eager to listen and answer your call to action. This trumps other marketing elements and can even outperform SEO and SEM tactics.

Podcasts Are Easy To Create

Unsure how to start a podcast? There are plenty of tutorials on how to do it. If you have a smartphone, you can create your show. Have a microphone, too? Plug it into your computer, and within a few minutes, you can record your show. You don’t need to be a professional or have a polished show to get started. Some of the best shows you’ll hear in the podcasting world begin with 10 to 20 minutes of rough audio. Starting is easy. Perfecting the craft takes time, but you can start today. All you need is an idea and a place to upload the file. If you want someone to assist you or provide professional assistance with over seven years of leading this industry, contact us today!

The above are just a few benefits of starting your show in these modern times. You don’t need to be Howard Stern to get your voice heard through the proverbial airwaves. With the ubiquitous nature of smartphones, people are listening to podcasts more than ever. Are you not convinced? Consider that this market has grown by 20% over the past few years or that 1 in 4 Americans listened to at least two podcasts in the last week! The statistics show this is an option you can’t miss out on!

Thank you for your attention!

Written by: #HeliumRadio