
The Ingredients Of Chef Charles Carroll

todayFebruary 17, 2018 53

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This week, our writers caught up with one of our other new show hosts, Chef Charles Carroll. The culinary arts have served Chef very well over the years as you’ll come to learn about in more detail. Hopefully, this blog wets your appetite for success! Things run rampant up in Houston, Texas where Chef spends his time.

The Basic Ingredients Of A Successful Chef

Originally from the Vermont countryside, Charles spent time in Vermont. Both his father and brother were chefs. Therefore, he himself fell easily into the field. He has only had three jobs in his career, which speaks highly of his loyalty and love of cooking. After Vermont, Charles moved to New Hampshire before moving south. It was at the Balsams Grand Resort and Hotel in New Hampshire that Charles spent 7 years working. After New Hampshire, Charles moved down to Rochester, New York. As Executive Chef at Ultra Country Club, he gained more experience inside one of the more famous clubs in the entire country.

Currently, Chef Charles runs six kitchens, three restaurants, and a team of 75 people. Together, they cook and host between 80-100 parties a week at the River Oaks Country Club in Houston, Texas. To put it best, Chef considers River Oaks a “smoking busy” country club. He added he has been employed with River Oaks for 18 years now.

A Day In The Life

We believe there’s no greater equalizer than learning how prominent figures spend their day. Without asking, no one would really understand what they go through. It only lives in our imaginations based on what we hear on the radio or in the news—and even then, it’s only speculation.

We wanted to bring a slice of Chef’s life to you and learn how much hard work goes into his daily routine. “Are you cooking all day every day or is it only for the events hosted at the country club?” Justin, our digital media strategist, asked Chef. “Ah, well I get here around 8:30 in the morning. On a good day, I’m home at 9 o’clock at night, sometimes 9:30. I try to get an hour break in between. I do that five days a week, sometimes six. Around holiday time, it’s 7 days a week. It’s a very busy operation.” Chef humbly answered. Occasionally, Charles can get away with sneaking out to the gym on his hour break; however, it’s all based on the workload.

The Recipe For Chef’s Two Podcasts

If you’re new to the Helium Radio Network, Chef and his team also produce a two-show podcast. The G-rated show is called “The Recipe Podcast,” while the adult version is called “The Recipe 2.0: Unplugged.”

In The Recipe, Chef and his producers Jessica and Phillip interview successful leaders and well-known figures. They break down the elements that make success abundant for everyone and hope to inspire change within the masses. In The Recipe 2.0, the team simply “pulls the plug” and enjoys bantering with no restrictions.

“The foundation behind the podcast is to continue the momentum from the book. I have a book called ‘The Recipe: The Ingredients of Loss, Love, and Greatness,’” Chef offered. It’s been a big hit even after only being released in October of 2017. You can find it on Amazon, here!

Overseas Trips

If you go to Charles’ website,, right now you’ll find Chef on stage with a beloved veteran in tears. Justin asked him directly, “What’s the story behind the website slider photo?” Chef advised us all to check out the videos section of his website for the best content.

The story goes like this. In 2011 and 2013, Chef took a team of celebrities over to Afghanistan. There, they put on 5 shows in 2011 and 7 shows in 2013 for the troops. The main show on the base was a 7-hour show…just incredible! They gave away tons of gifts and fed 5,000 active military personnel. Amazingly, Chef coordinated both the entire tours and raised the funds out of his office! “We gathered all the celebrities and gave out a lot of hugs. It was an amazing time in my life!” Chef proudly concluded.

What The Future Is Cooking Up

Since the release of his book, Chef has been interviewed approximately 7 times as ways to promote his novel with co-author, John David Mann. That interview can be found here!

Through networking and exposure, Charles proudly said, “We’re about to sign an agreement to make a movie for the book. We are super excited about that—hopefully, we’ll sign an agreement in the next week or two and their goal is to start shooting in October.” As if that wasn’t enough, Chef placed a cherry on top. He rolled right from the movie and stated, “We shot the first pilot episode of ‘Recipe Houston’—a TV concept—in the first week of January. I’m supposed to have that first draft this upcoming weekend. So there’s a lot going on with The Recipe!”

Thank you for your attention!

Written by: #HeliumRadio

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