Host Career Coffee Chats

Andrew Tui


Career coffee chatter, movie buff, ukulele jammer, wellbeing champion, ENFJ, X-Men fan, social media nerd, amateur tennis player, lover of life.

Talofa lava and warm greetings to you!  My name is Andrew Tui and I am a career practitioner based in Auckland, New Zealand. I am of Samoan-Chinese descent and grew up in South Auckland.

I am a Professional Member of the Career Development Association of New Zealand (CDANZ), with more than ten years experience working with a diverse range of clients and communities.  Currently I am creating careers and employability programmes for students in the higher education space.   Helping people is my passion, so writing this blog is one way I connect with others.

The purpose of my blog is to share insights and reflections on the ‘world of work’ and beyond.  Career is a life-long journey, so hopefully my experiences will provide a commentary on the topics that impact on our careers and personal wellbeing today.

O le ala I le pule ole tautua.

The way to leadership is through service.

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