Host The After 30 Podcast

Tabitha Vallierie


Meet Tabitha Vallierie, aka Tabs. Tabs is the witty, cool, and effervescent half of the show. Tabs has the superpower of bringing a balanced head and heart to everything she does. IMO, Tabs was born into the world as a curator and visual scientist. Tabs searches for beauty in the ordinary, and finds it.

Tabs is mama to Oliver and a Brand Strategist Consultant by day. She also runs the pandemic saving, Fit-City Guide – a fitness platform helping people navigate where to sweat in the city and online. Tabs has transformed and grown Fit City into the influential fitness matchmaking space and community it is today. In other words, Tabs is a master at building community.

Tabs is a model, producer and classically trained and ex-professional dancer, and has worked as a Buyer and Brand Marketer at some of the most influential companies around the globe like lululemon, Canada Goose, and The Bay. She lived and worked in Melbourne, Australia for 5+ years with her hubby of 15+ years, and has traveled all over the world experiencing everything from trucking through the Fijian jungle barefoot, to riding elephants in Kerala’s backwaters.

I hope you enjoy her energy as much as I do!

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