
10 Results / Page 1 of 2



How To Use A Podcast To Become An Influencer

Podcasting can come with a lot of marketing benefits that you aren’t even aware of right now. For instance, did you know that you could build an influential scope for fun and profit? You could use a podcast to become an influencer, and that could very well change everything about your audio focus. To that effect, take into consideration a few notes on how to use a podcast to create […]

todayJanuary 14, 2019 50

"neilsen ratings"


Understanding Neilsen Ratings in the World of Audio and Radio

Whether it's the medium of television or radio, when people hear "ratings," usually their next thought is "Neilsen." Not everyone knows who Neilsen is, so allow us to elaborate. Neilsen Holdings PLC, better known as simply "Neilsen," is a publicly-traded trend-tracking company. Their primary purpose is to collect, organize and analyze consumer goods and behavior through products and media across the globe. In short, they know what consumers buy, watch […]

todayOctober 11, 2017 37

"start podcasting today"


Top Reasons You Should Start Podcasting Today

The number one way to get your voice heard is to start podcasting today. You could stand outside in the middle of the street and preach, you could talk to a counselor, or you could do just about anything to talk. Chances are those methods won't get you much of an audience. If you have something to share, why not get in front of millions of people via podcasting? This […]

todayJune 21, 2017 14

"voiceover commercials"


Value Added Part 2: Using Voiceover Commercials

In our previous blog, we discussed advertising with radio commercials and the many benefits of using radio over television and print media. We’re picking up right where we left off on part 1 of the Value Added series with voiceover commercials. Radio Commercials Have Their Importance (Continued) Using radio commercials in your advertising campaign provides you have a means of measuring your results. Going national or worldwide with a radio […]

todayJune 7, 2017 46

"radio interview"

Business Strategy

How To Properly Execute A Radio Interview

After all the knowledge we’ve shared on getting started with podcasting, you should be ready to finally speak on the air! Keep in mind that this takes practice and no one is perfect. Some people are natural speakers, while others need to practice and become familiar with it. As long as you're willing to put in work and practice—practice—practice, you will no doubt improve as time goes on. Your podcasts […]

todayMay 17, 2017 35

"tracking success with podcasting"


Tracking Your Success With Podcasting

Publishing a podcast can be a great way to communicate with the world. Whether you’re putting out a weekly or monthly show, you’ll find it allows anyone to have a voice on any number of topics. Once you get started with this option, you’ll want to figure out whether or not you’re making an impact. If you’re just publishing without caring whether or not you’re getting any attention, then you’re […]

todayApril 26, 2017 15

"podcast for success"


Setting Up Your Podcast For Success

Podcasting is not as simple as turning on a microphone and letting out your guts. Many people think that it’s a simple task to get through, but it’s not exactly easy. When you start to work with professional level audio options, you’ll realize that this can become a time consuming, difficult process. That’s not to say it can’t be fun, or rewarding, but it can become increasingly difficult to work […]

todayApril 12, 2017 33

"structure a podcast"


How To Structure A Podcast For 2017

If you’re ready to get started with podcasting, but aren’t sure how to structure a program, you’re not alone. Millions of people figure that with this type of audio communication, you simply turn on the microphone and get to work. That’s not always how this works, and you’ll find that to be true within a few short attempts at creating a podcast today. If you’re struggling to figure out the […]

todayMarch 8, 2017 20

"augment your blog with a podcast"


How To Augment Your Blog With A Podcast

Bloggers today face a serious problem. The audiences that they once commanded aren’t paying attention. People don’t want to read long-winded posts any longer, and frankly, it’s hard to stay on top of the heap with writing. If you’re blogging and seeing a downturn in traffic, don’t panic. You could easily transition and add additional content without writing anything else. You could stick to your writing schedule and post great […]

todayMarch 1, 2017 18
