Marketing Strategy

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Marketing Strategy

5 Tips for Promoting Your B2B Podcast

  Podcasts have never been bigger now that more people prefer listening to podcasts while they work at home. That being said, now would be the perfect time to put your podcast to the ears of as many listeners as possible. The only way to make that happen is to promote your podcast to the right people. The following are a couple of ways you can market your podcast and […]

todayJanuary 31, 2022 40

Happy male podcasting host creating a podcast that resonates with his audience

Marketing Strategy

Creating a Podcast That Resonates With Your Audience

Podcasts are a growing trend, and creating a podcast requires a few important steps to get started and achieve success. You'll find many podcast themes from mystery, crime, and science fiction to educational and self-help topics. Some people enjoy listening to inspirational shows, while other people love podcasts as a form of entertainment. The key to successfully creating a podcast is preparation, research, and finding a topic that resonates with […]

todayMay 10, 2021 34

Marketing Strategy

Can You Make a Living From Being a Podcaster?

Wouldn't it be great if you could make a living doing something you love, like being a podcaster? Having a podcast with millions of listeners is the dream of many people, but not everyone is able to make enough money podcasting to avoid having another job to pay the bills. However, there are ways to make money off of podcasts, perhaps even enough to make a decent living. Can You […]

todayApril 19, 2021 20

Marketing Strategy

Podcasting 101: How Long Should My Podcast Be

In case you’ve been living under a rock, podcasts are now the new music to many people. In fact, more than 144 million Americans have listened to a podcast at some point. That’s almost half of the entire population of the United States. These audio programs can talk about anything under the sun allowing for people to learn something new even while doing another task. Listening to a podcast is […]

todaySeptember 17, 2020 31

Marketing Strategy

Podcasting 101: Do You Need a Script, Outline or Just Free Form?

Podcasts are now a way of life for many because it allows them to learn about different topics, get inspired and motivated or just enjoy a good talk while they’re driving to work, cleaning the house, or running an errand. In fact, almost half of the American population listens to podcasts, which is why it is now a significant platform for offering information. Now if you want to make a […]

todayAugust 17, 2020 86

Marketing Strategy

Book the Guests You Want Most on Your Podcast

The prospect of booking guests on your podcast can make even the most seasoned podcaster uneasy. This feeling intensifies if it is a guest whom you really want to book. New podcasters tend to struggle with figuring out how to go about booking guests. They flounder when reaching out to them or even when trying to find them in the first place. Despite how challenging it appears, the process of […]

todayJuly 27, 2020 17

Marketing Strategy

Do You Need a Website for Your Podcast?

Speaking from a technical standpoint, the answer to this question is “no.” However, by passing on a website dedicated to your podcast, you miss a golden opportunity to promote your podcast to a wider audience and solidify your current audience’s interest in it. Marketing Might A website is a valuable marketing tool for any business venture and podcasts are no exception. In fact, they may be even more essential, as […]

todayJuly 20, 2020 49

Marketing Strategy

How Do You Build A Podcast Audience?

When you have invested time, effort and money into starting a podcast, the last thing you want is for no one to hear it. Yes, starting with a miniscule audience is acceptable and even expected, but you should gain more listeners with each episode. This point makes sense, but if you do not already have a following, how do you build a podcast audience? Narrow Your Focus It may seem […]

todayJune 22, 2020 19

Marketing Strategy

Why Voice Search Is So Important To A Podcast Today

Voice search is getting a lot of attention from many different niches and corners of the internet. In the podcasting world, you may find that it’s a critical component. Since podcasting relies heavily on voice, you’ll find that the natural fit for search also comes within the idea of audio. That being said, you may or may not know that voice search is something that is getting attention, and there’s […]

todayAugust 27, 2018 37
