
37 Results / Page 2 of 5



4 Ways Podcasters Can Generate a Larger Audience

Getting your new podcast out there is one of the most important parts of the creative process for podcasters. Even when you have created top-notch content, you need to make sure you're reaching the right audience. This can involve a number of factors, including increasing downloads, leveraging your content on different platforms so users can access your content easily, and, perhaps most importantly, building a dedicated, loyal fanbase who can […]

todayJuly 5, 2021 50

Marketing Strategy

Podcasting 101: How Long Should My Podcast Be

In case you’ve been living under a rock, podcasts are now the new music to many people. In fact, more than 144 million Americans have listened to a podcast at some point. That’s almost half of the entire population of the United States. These audio programs can talk about anything under the sun allowing for people to learn something new even while doing another task. Listening to a podcast is […]

todaySeptember 17, 2020 31

Marketing Strategy

Book the Guests You Want Most on Your Podcast

The prospect of booking guests on your podcast can make even the most seasoned podcaster uneasy. This feeling intensifies if it is a guest whom you really want to book. New podcasters tend to struggle with figuring out how to go about booking guests. They flounder when reaching out to them or even when trying to find them in the first place. Despite how challenging it appears, the process of […]

todayJuly 27, 2020 17


You Have a Podcast. Now, How Do You Evaluate Its Success Rate?

It is easy to assume that a large number of downloads equals podcasting success. And yes, it is one of the important metrics - but it is not the only one. Like other business ventures, you need to incorporate several metrics in order to get a complete picture of whether your podcast is achieving the goals you set for it. While success may look a bit different to each podcaster […]

todayJuly 15, 2020 34


Earn Recognition as an Expert in Your Field: Start a Podcast

“Mic drop” takes on an entirely new meaning when it comes to the marketing power that a microphone can give you. In fact, when you take the mic as the host of your own podcast, it gives you recognition as an expert in your field. How so? Well, think about the well-known people and brands familiar to you that have their own podcast, television show, book or publication. These properties […]

todayJune 8, 2020 42


How To Use A Podcast To Become An Influencer

Podcasting can come with a lot of marketing benefits that you aren’t even aware of right now. For instance, did you know that you could build an influential scope for fun and profit? You could use a podcast to become an influencer, and that could very well change everything about your audio focus. To that effect, take into consideration a few notes on how to use a podcast to create […]

todayJanuary 14, 2019 50


Why Are More and More People Listening To Podcasts?

More than ever before, the landscape of what people are listening to on their smartphones, computers, and all sorts of internet connected devices is shifting. While there was a rush to get the latest music in mp3 format, and more, today we see a major shift in what people are looking to listen to. To that effect, you may find that more and more people are listening to podcasts. But […]

todaySeptember 4, 2018 88

Marketing Strategy

Why Voice Search Is So Important To A Podcast Today

Voice search is getting a lot of attention from many different niches and corners of the internet. In the podcasting world, you may find that it’s a critical component. Since podcasting relies heavily on voice, you’ll find that the natural fit for search also comes within the idea of audio. That being said, you may or may not know that voice search is something that is getting attention, and there’s […]

todayAugust 27, 2018 37

Marketing Strategy

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Pre-Recorded vs Live Podcasting

Podcasting has taken on a lot of different elements today. You are not isolated to just one type of solution, nor are you limited in how you can broadcast, etc. There are people that can publish pre-recorded solutions, and those that go with live podcasting and broadcasts. There are some advantages and disadvantages to this solution, and it’s something that you should know fully about. What are the advantages and […]

todayAugust 20, 2018 477
